Our family lives to play and have fun in the summer. We really try hard to fit the most activities in that we can. Some are a little costly, but we really like to find free or really cheap things to do. We try to have new experiences and get out in the community. Get those kids off the couch and away from their phones.
*Take safety precautions for all activities.
What is safe and fun in one community, might not be in another.
Adult supervision is recommended for all activities.
Enjoy them at your own risk!
Our Most Favorite Summer Bucket List Activities
With Links from our Earlier Blog Posts
First off, check your city and neighboring cities' calendars for upcoming events. You'll be surprised how many fun or even free activities your community holds. Put the ones you're interested in on the calendar or you'll forget.
Drive-In Movie
If you have one in your community, you are very lucky. Take your family at least once while you have the chance. This is such as retro thing to do, and so much fun! The one close to us offers two movies for the price of one. You can put your kids to sleep in the car and if the baby starts fussing no one can hear them, but you. Kids are almost free and you can bring your own snacks. We like to bring the truck and put lawn chairs in the back, but you see all sorts of stuff. When our kids were little we'd open the back of our SUV and put a mattress for them to lay on with all their pillows and blankets. We'd dress them in their pj's, so we could put them right to bed afterward. Bring a picnic and games to play while you wait for the movie. A summer must!
Movie in the Park-DVD
Take a Tablet (Kindle), Portable DVD player, Projector or Laptop to the park and watch a movie. Or attend an organized event with an inflatable screen.
Free Concert in the Park
Many parks offer free concerts during the summer, what a great time to expose your family to a little culture. Check to see what your local parks offer, you might have to check a neighboring town.
*A family favorite!
Fishing/Catch minnows
Check your local area for good fishing spots. As children we used to take a 8" net and catch minnows at the creek behind our home. You could also use a butterfly net.
Catch Crawfish
As children my brother made a net out of a T-shirt to catch crawfish. we had a lot of fun playing in the creek and catching crawfish. We always caught and released. We never took them home to eat. Our creek didn't have any dangers other than drowning. Know your creek and dangers it might posses and as always adult supervision is recommended.
Catch Butterflies
Buy some cheap and fun butterfly nets. Please release after capture.
Catch Fireflies
If you are lucky enough to have these beautiful bugs, you can catch them in mason jars, but please release afterward.
Giant Bubbles
Run through the Sprinklers
My mom let us do this all the time in the summer. We once got kicked out of the zoo on a fieldtrip for running through their sprinklers, lol make sure it's ok where you play. Our teacher got in trouble.
Trampoline Fun
We made several games on our trampoline and spent numerous hours everyday. My mom let us put a sprinkler under the trampoline and play, it's a bit slippery but super fun! She also let us sleep on the trampoline quite often. Trampolines are dangerous and many home owners insurances don't cover them, so take adequate precautions if you decide to buy a trampoline.
The net came down. |
Picnic in the Park
Sometimes we just like to grab some cheap pizzas and head to the park.
Slip'n'Slide in your clothes
Our air conditioner was broken. It was over 90 degrees and our house was over 100 degrees. We looked at each other and decided to cool off with the slip'n'slide in our clothes. Totally random thing that our kids absolutely loved. Be the fun spontaneous mom
Slip'N'Slide kickball
You put a small baby pool for the bases, and a slip'n'slide from third base to home. Be careful not the slip while running into the pools.
Splash Pad
These splash pads are popping up at all the local parks in our area.
The best part is ours are all free.
Swim Noodle Fight
We like to buy some cheap pool noodles and have a battle. They are pretty soft, but they do hurt if people hit hard. Make strict rules!
Silly String Fight
Who doesn't love Silly String? Turn it into a family fight and just have fun with your kids.
Jump Rope/Double Dutch
Jump Rope is such a fun way to exercise. Shh, don't tell your kids that.
I love to teach my girls things from my childhood.
Old Fashion Games (red Rover, three legged races, egg toss, etc.)
Soda and Mentos Fountain
We like to get different 2-liter flavored sodas and see which flavor goes the highest or longest. Unscrew the lid and drop in one or more Mentos and see how far they shoot into the air. Looks like a geyser.
Night Games
Capture the Flag, Tag, Hide and Seek, Freeze tag, Kick the can, Sardines, T.V. Tag, toilet tag, etc. One summer we got all the kids in the neighborhood to play every night.
Watch a Meteor Shower or Star Gaze
Check to see when the next meteor shower or special space related event is happening in your area.
Climb a Tree
It amazes me how many children have never done this!
Wear a helmet and take safety precautions.
Roller Skate/blade
Helmets, helmets, helmets!
Fire Pit
There's just something about sitting around a fire. Sing songs, play campfire games, tell scary stories, or roast marshmallows and hot dogs. We like these retractable roasting sticks, they are easy to pack around. Take all safety precautions around fire.
Camp in the Back Yard
Growing up we often slept on our balconies or our trampoline. When our youngest was a new baby my brother invited us to camp on his farm, since they also had a young baby. We pitched tents and had a fire pit. The kids had a blast.
There are camping sites for all types of people. Cabins, KOA, National/State Parks, off the grid, etc. Get outdoors, it's good for your health.
Visit a National/State Park
Road Trip
Take a walk
Fly a Kite/Make a Kite
We love the double stringed stunt kites by WindNSun. They are so easy to control and get into the air.
Bike Ride
Demolition Derby
We attended our first demolition derby last summer. It was so much fun! There's just something about watching cars wreck each other. I recommend you attend at least demolition derby I your life.
We love Karaoke in our house. We like to sing Car-aoke in the car on long road trips. You can use your mounted screens, portable dvd player, tablets (kindle), phone, or laptop. Here is a fun microphone you can use with multiple devices by AOBO. We have a large library of CDGs, but you can find songs with words on www.youtube.com.
Flip a Coin Car Adventure
Have the kids flip a coin for a set amount of time and see where it takes you. Heads you turn left, tails you turn right. The driver should not be the one flipping the coin.
Geo Caching
Scavenger Hunt
Funny Pictures
Get your friends together and take some funny pictures. We like to raid the Halloween and dress up bins for really great combinations.
Father's Day Photo Shoot
We got together everything we could find that had to do with Dads. We made a gift basket with a cute or funny matching picture attached to each item.
Crazy Shopping Trip
Dress in funny clothes and go shopping or out to eat. Get out those Halloween costumes or just completely mismatch everything and do your hair crazy. You can have a lot of fun with this activity. My friends and I once dressed up like we were pregnant when I was 16. We ran into my friends old stuffy church teacher who gave us some very shocked looks, but we never said anything, it was pretty funny.
Swim Lessons
It's one of the most important lessons you can give your kids or family.
Backyard Pool
Put a hose on your swing set's slide and a kiddie pool at the bottom.
This can make the slide really fast, so take precautions.
Swimming in Nature
Swim at the swim beach of your local lake or ocean.
Hike to a Swim Hole or Hot Pool
Cliff Diving
Take precautions of rocks and dangers below.
Tube Down a River
I recommend a life jacket and water shoes.
Wait until the river slows down after spring runoff.
Build a sand city at beach or backyard sandbox.
Or you could build sand sculptures and have a contest.
Fairy Sand Village
We once built a fairy village in our sand box. That night I put glow in the dark sticks in the houses and had the kids look through the window of our home to see the fairies.
Mud Pie Kitchen
Make a spot in the backyard where the kids can make mud. Give them old pots, pans and utensils to play in the mud with. Purchase supplies at your local thrift store if you don't have old kitchen supplies.
Water Parks
Water Balloon Fight
These Bunch O Balloons are so much easier than your average water balloon. No more tying balloons.
Paint fight
Make Marshmallow guns and have a war.
Start a Garden or try growing something new.
Enter or Hold a Side Walk Chalk Contest
Tie Dye Shirts
Make Towel Swimming Bag

Drink Pouch Bags
Build a Totem Pole
Sharpie Tie Dye
Draw on a white cotton T-shirt with a sharpie marker. Spray your design with rubbing alcohol and watch it bleed into a tie dyed looking design,
Bleach Art T-shirts
You draw on a colored T-shirt using a bleach pen. Let sit a few minutes then wash off. The bleach pen will either remove the color, lighten the color, or change the color depending on your shirts color. Great idea for a camp shirt.
Paint Rocks
Make Candles
Faux Stained Glass
Nature Crafts
Go on a scavenger hunt and make a craft with the items you find.
It might be a picture, a sculpture, or even a Fairy Garden.
Start a Craft Club
You can take turns being in charge and holding a craft day.
Rainy Day Activities:
Dancing in the Rain
How fun is it to dance and play in the warm summer rain.
Do not play in rain with lightening or other dangers.
Make a YouTube Video
Either a tutorial or something for fun. My girls favorite thing to do with their cousins.
Spa Day
Get those kids to read this summer. Check your local library, most offer fun activities in the summer.
Make Paper Dolls
Camp in the family room
With a fake fire and sleeping bags in a mega fort.
Make S'mores using marshmallow fluff and Nutella on graham crackers.
Indoor movie night in your sleeping bag.
Board Games
Our favorites are SkipBo, Sequence, Uno Attack, Spoons, etc.
Leg Wrestling
Volunteer Ideas:
It is so very important to teach your kids to give back to the community when they are young.
Lemonade/Snowcone/Candy/Popcorn Stand for Charity
Earn money for a charity of your choice through selling items. We found that candy actually sells better then the traditional lemonade in our neighborhood.
Book Exchange
Have everyone bring their old books and then they can take a different one.
Uniform Exchange
Hold a uniform exchange for your local school. Set up tables and people can put out their old uniforms and take others.
Pick Weeds for a park, City, or Neighbor
Mow lawn for a neighbor in need
Visit Grandparents/or Nursing home, if you no longer have grandparents
Feed the homeless/give water/kits/sunscreen
Pay for the car behind you at a drive-thru
Random Acts of Kindness
Neighbor Treat
Take a treat to someone you don't know well, make a new friend.
Secret Service Mustache
We took our local church group out and all wore mustaches. We walked around our community and just did random acts of kindness when we saw a need. We put newspapers on porches, put away garbage cans that were still on the curb, picked and killed weeds, picked up dog poop, swept the sidewalk, picked up rocks that were in the road, etc. Now our neighborhood is pretty close and we know all our neighbors, so we knew they would be ok with our small acts of kindness. Not everyone appreciates your kindness, so take precautions on what you decide to do.
Find places to volunteer through www.justserve.org
Homemade Ice Cream
Ice Cream in a Bag
Roast Marshmallows and more
Dutch Oven Cooking
Campfire cooking
Tin Foil Hobo Dinners
Homemade Popsicles
Homemade Salsa
Have a Great Summer, but be safe and smart about it!
*Take safety precautions for all activities.
What is safe and fun in one community, might not be in another.
Adult supervision is recommended for all activities.
Enjoy them at your own risk!
We'd love to hear any of your ideas, leave us a comment.